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Wordle Helper

Wordle Helper

From time to time I cheat and use an anagram solver when I'm stuck on Wordle to show me what words are still possible. A simple anagram solver will give you far too many answers though that you then have to sift through. A helper designed to specifically take the Wordle rules into account can narrow them down much more effectively.

So I went ahead and made one. As a first step I managed to find the word list online somewhere, something about 'American Scrabble words' rings a bell but I might have got that wrong. Then it was a case of deciding how to capture the user's guesses - should it be just like a Wordle screen or is there a better way of doing it? To make life simple, and to make it look good I went with making it look just like Wordle.

After each guess on Wordle, you can use the helper to enter the same guess, mark it the way Wordle did, and then display a list of the remaining possible words. You can then choose one of the words and enter it on Wordle as your next guess and repeat the process.

The challenge was getting the marking right - in the end I must have spent over a day on that part (after thinking, I know, I'll just make a Wordle helper, it will only take me a morning). Plus there were a few Regular Expression gotchas which reminded me of how hard they can be at times.

I'm happy with the result though, check it out here: Wordle

I always start with the word RAISE. By a complete coincidence, just as I'm writing this Blog and need to capture some Wordle guesses, the word is RAINY so I'm not able to demonstrate a decent series of guesses without looking like an idiot. But I managed to get it within six ;)